just dance 2020
You may know what just dance or you may not if you do then good for you but if you don’t it is dancing using hand eye collaboration there are thousands of them but i will just be talking about my favourite.
My favourite is called,waka waka it’s time for africa We learn a lot of things from this dance including collaboration coordination even prior knowledge this dance has two really cool things like making a human bike(first you will need four people then the left middle prison will ly down with the top of your body upright then the very left prison sits on there legs now the right middle walks to the two people and ly on the prison who is sitting on the pison lying down the last prison left sits on the top prison and rids the bike.Now the other thing for this dance is a jump/dive all you have to do is the very left prison jumps/dives into the other three peoples arms
Hi Louie I like your piece of writing because you explain how to do the people bike. Your blog post reminds me of jump jam. I think work on your spelling and your punctuation. how good is the bike?